Thursday 11 September 2014

Beyond Human

In us all is...
The power to be
The power to see
The power to achieve 

An upper level state of ...
Evolution of the self
Evolution of man
Evolution of the Earth 

And always having...
A responsibility of growth
A responsibility of love
A responsibility of spirit

But where does this take us...
To self actualization 
To heaven on Earth 
To a universal journey 

The potential for godhood is here so...
Release the laziness
Release the fear 
Release the neuroticism

We are capable as far as belief to dig into our spiritual power and present our true consciousness. Let's place our faith in the unknown and go beyond human. 

Tuesday 2 September 2014

We be

Just take my hand and we shall run fast into the night while I'm holding you tight. Our hearts are racing as we escape what was; a cookie cutter life for a husband and a wife but we are more than that, we are philosophers and explorers. Taking each step with wonder and discussing a greater meaning. We are of unlimited, untapped potential but only blips on this universal time scale. How do we contribute? How do we give back? Sometimes it feels like time is slipping away from us because we are doing our societal jobs. But the point is to disassociate from a purpose of gaining monetary value and associate with a purpose to love beyond control. Love of all allows us to feel safe and free, to transcend to paradise in harmony with one another at this very moment we be.

Break Free

As I flutter my wings 
My heart it sings 

Let me be free 
To a place I can see 

That is not here
Where there is no fear 

That ultimately supports 
Loving of all sorts 

Where I create the real me 
Unbound from conformity 

Combining work, travel and nature 
In a tropical jungle or on a farmers  pasture 

As I create my dreams 
Knowing everyday is not what it seems