Thursday, 24 March 2016

Arctic Watch Free Write - Raw and Unedited

These are just a couple of paragraphs of my free writing journal sessions at Artic Watch. Where ever I go I keep my journal close and I just write whatever pops into my mind with no judgement.  I am just a vessel to translate what I see before me and these were the feelings I was getting in the Arctic...what a special place!

 …“I am feeling ignited upon arrival at Arctic Watch. The running water, the blowing wind, the ecosystem is in balance, at peace. It’s easy to let go here as the beautiful Arctic landscapes support me in every way possible. I flow through this life with ease, enjoying the sights before me. Overlooking the Northwest Passage did I ever believe I would find myself in such a place? I am full of love for all which surrounds me and the landscape which provides this sense of bliss for me. I am honoured to be a part of this world, honoured to be witness to such beauty, honoured for this land to really teach me how to open my heart. Once our hearts are open, our minds can truly open. Open to learn, to listen, to receive and react authentically.”…

… “Grounded with my feet on this earth I feel connected. I sink my roots into the core and release any concern that once may have been blocking my ability to live fully in the present moment. As these concern leave me they get shape shifted into blessings. Blessings that only serve my highest good"…..

 …… "I am loved by a presence far greater than what exists or is seen in this world. I am loved for all eternity as I am energy & love is energy, therefore I AM LOVE. It is not something that I have or feel but yet something I am. I am composed of love, made from love. Why we can’t define love is because we cannot define this life, this universe, this time right now. I am uncontained love, I failed to realize this before and therefore found myself imbalanced and injured. I now have an all knowing understanding that I am LOVE!”

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