I prefer action over talk. I prefer silence over chatter. Let's save our word and use it for social good. Let's go deep and expand our consciousness. Let's share ideas on how to make this world a better place. Then follow up our words with action. In this time of life there is so much talk and very little supporting action. I want to make a change. I want to have a positive impact on this world so future generations can enjoy the beauty I have experienced. When I learn about the province taking land out of the Agriculture Land Reserve (ALR) to build highways and a mega mall or that there was a toxic oil spill in the waters I swim in or that a dam burst which caused a tailings pond filled with heavy metals to mix into our clean water and affect the salmon run I want to cry and release an indescribable amount of frustration. I need an outlet to not only discuss these things but to take action with like-minded people.
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