Spiritual growth is something that is hard work. We are faced with challenges and change in our life which we can either view as something negative or we can use that as a teacher to continuously grow our whole life. What I found interesting about what Dr Peck brought up is that laziness is omnipresent and that laziness is the cheif enemy to extending one self into new areas of thought, responsibility or maturation. I notice in myself that I may try to circumvent a problem first before facing head on, an example of a form of laziness.
Furthermore, this back story brings me to a realization of rationalization and a questioning of my world view. Dr Peck continues to state that laziness can disguise itself in other forms such as rationalizations. So I stop reading, realize I titled my writing platform, "Rational-eyes" (a title that made sense at the time) and begin to become even more aware of my intellectualizing patterns. I am hyper aware and observant of why people do the things they do therefore I will observe a situation and try to make sense of it or bring reason into the equation, which fulfills the definition of rational. Extending on that, to rationalize is to create an excuse or a more attractive explanation for a problem or situation and all of sudden it clicked, this is a defense mechanism I use frequently to protect myself. I try to be logical instead of just feeling what is going on which in turn has me bottling up emotions. Wow, self revalation.
Noticing I place this sort of logic on all situations, even as to why I have chronic episodes of disc herniations, this becomes another adventure on my journey to changing these ingrained patterns. In conclusion we all will be working against this force of laziness, which ever form it shows it self in, our whole life if we choose to continue to develop and spiritually evolve towards godhood.
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