Wednesday, 26 November 2014

A Blessing

Each day a blessing
Every person a chance
To love unconditionally
And let minds expanse 

A simple thank you is enough
To bring gratitude to the day 
It is the bridge to love 
With high vibrations on display

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Thank You

A simple thank you is all that is needed for gratitude to start multiplying the amazing things in our lives. Gratitude is the highest vibration of love and allows us to go beyond what we think is possible. Gratitude allows us to connect with the power of the universe. Nothing is  too small to be grateful for. With gratitude we can turn negative situations into positive situations and start experiencing life with zest and vigour for what is and what is to come!

Below is an excerpt from the book The Power by Rhonda Byrne:

"Give thanks for your senses: your eyes that see, your ears that hear, your mouth that tastes, your nose that smells and your skin that lets you feel. Give thanks for the legs you walk on, your hands that you use to do almost everything, your voice that enables you to express yourself and communicate with others. Give thanks for your amazing immune system that keeps you well or heals you, and for all your organs that maintain your body immaculately so you can live. Give thanks for the magnificence of your human mind that no computer technology in the world can duplicate. Your entire body is the greatest laboratory on the planet and there's nothing that can come even close to replicating it's magnificence. You are a miracle!"

The Power

As I continue on this blessed journey healing my back I am back to reading through books pretty quickly. Yesterday I started reading "The  Power". This is by Rhonda Byrne and is a follow up book to "The Secret".

The main point in this book is to use our imagination and create our life exactly as we want it by using the force of love. After reading this book and reminding myself the healing power is always within me I begin to really monitor my internal dialogue. It is my job to change how I talk about this injury and my story moving forward. In the words of Rhonda Byrne I must, " as much as possible every day. If [I] can just love and adore everything [I] possibly can today, look for and feel the things [I] love, and turn away from the things [I] don't love, [my] tomorrows will overflow with the untold happiness of everything [I] want and love". 

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Help for Help

Lying on the sidewalk waiting for a family member to pick me up feeling so helpless at this time of injury. Unable to walk long distances at the moment I am forced to ask for help. I had to call for a ride for 10 blks. Why is it so hard to ask for help? I have grown up teaching myself how to be self sufficient, independent and basically never needing to ask for help. When I ask for help I feel like I am bugging the person, taking them away from what they would rather be doing. Growing up when I have asked my Mom for help it was followed by immediate tension in her body, followed by a big sigh, followed by me panicking and saying, "ok ok never mind" then ended by her getting mad and answering with a snarky "fine". This had conditioned me to figure out things on my own, I even get tight in my body when I think of this situation. Asking for help has always been a stressful thing to me so I try to avoid. 

Acknowledging it is a skill to ask for help, it is just as much of a skill to learn how to respond appropriately to being asked for help. It takes guts, courage and most of all level of comfort to put oneself out on the line and ask for help. So if you are the receiver of that question for help remain calm, breathe, listen to the whole request, take a second to quietly think to yourself then respond with a clear answer. 

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Starting Anew

What is more humbling than passing over mountains, rivers and forest is going over personal hurdles and challenges. Through these tough times we develop our character. We cut the crap from our life and focus on what is important. We recognize those individuals who are always here for us. We are stripped of all ego and remain a naked, vulnerable soul searching for ways to get out of ditches and back to solid ground where we can then take a deep breath and reflect. 

Pain certainly creates a visceral experience. Where nothing but that moment in time exists. In complete survival mode the heart is racing and breath is shallow. This situation is the time to start anew. A time to evaluate how we were led here. And although unpleasant it is valuable to spiritual growth.

Monday, 10 November 2014


Days go by slowly 
Living each day in a painful prison
Not in fear of death 
Knowing it would be a quick relief
Into the next realm
ready to get out of this physical body 

** my time in this realm is not done yet but why in western culture have we grown up as a society in fear of death? Why is this not talked about it in our school systems? As Buddha says, "Life is suffering", so knowing that death is a constant we can use it to teach us and guide us through life! **

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Kneeling in the Grass

Kneeling in the grass I pray to the heavens. Why is this pain still here? I know it is teaching me but I don't know how much longer I can take it. My patience has turned into frustration, my positivity slowly slipping away. Oh please won't you please let this pass. 

Wednesday, 5 November 2014


As the light of the moon hits the waves of the ocean it creates a symphony of the universe. 

Music to our soul, the vastness of the world is illuminated and our spirit ignited. 

Monday, 3 November 2014


Feet planted firmly on the ground
Mind is calm not one sound 
The canopy above 
reacts to the love
Letting the light shine in
Cleansing of all suspicion 
Over any criticism of the soul
accusations of being less than whole 
A continual realization 
through an experience of all sensations 
Breath of the forest is brought in deep
Bringing the attention back to the feet 

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Searching for my WHY?

Why is it when all appears to be well and I have the world at my fingertips I am still searching?

Why is it that I keep hoping that tomorrow will be a better day? 

Why can't I just be content now? 

Why can't today be the best day ever? 

Why do I think I am missing something?