Sunday, 30 August 2015

Perceived by a Sense

We are not our face, our body, our thoughts 
Our physical self grasps for structure and order to make "sense" of what these images are broadcasting to us every minute of everyday 
Our logic is always trying to make "sense" of this life 
What if we just trusted our senses?

Our reaction to our day to day reality is constantly being defined 
But there is no "real", there is no "right", there just is an interpretation 

We are an eternal consciousness 
Forever Wandering throughout the universe 

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Courage vs Fear

"Where is it that your courage ends and fear begins.... " - Robert Hunter

Find that line and live on that edge, forcing yourself out of those "comfort zones" that are created by habitual patterns. 

My courage ends and fears begins when I think about creating something completely different for my life. Moving away from my family. Moving away from this "great life" (as viewed by outsiders) I have here in Vancouver. But living a "great life" isn't about living a picture perfect life with a pretty house, a great job, a daily routine surrounded by good looking people... It is about sharing experiences and constantly pushing the boundary of what you think you can do. It is about leaving the world a better place than when you arrived. It is about taking risks while not knowing what the exact outcome will be.... That is a life worth living. 

The above quote comes from Robert Hunter who was one of the founders of Greenpeace and that's exactly what he did. He created something bigger than himself, something to contribute to the world in a positive manner. It wasn't always a smooth road but he had a dream, desire and a goal and he went for it! Extremely admirable.  

As I meander through life there are things I want to experience and to make these experiences happen I have to have the guts to follow through on my words with actions. It's pretty easy to keep telling myself oh I'll do that later, but one day later won't be here. So on the advice from Mumford and Sons I'm going to "collect [my] courage and collect [my] horse and take off into the sunset where there is no remorse. 


When I am in the moment 
Time ceases to exist 
An unlimited source of contentness 
Never searching for more 
Finally able to commit to what is 
Good or bad ... What does that mean?
I have arrived 

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Can't you see?

Feel the loneliness
Sit with the sadness 
Stop grasping for things 
beyond your reach 

What you need is right in front of you 
Just open your eyes
Stop blaming others 
For your bruised peach 

We are all here 
doing the best we can 
So it's time you stop attacking 
And take a deep breath 

We are spreading ourselves too thin
We are all afraid of "missing out" 
So let's go back to basics 
And realize we are more peaceful with less 

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Patience Grasshopper

I ponder the virtue of patience, especially in this time of life when it feels like everything is speeding up exponentially. The definition of patience is to accept or tolerate trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset and I came across the most wonderful example of patience while in the high Canadian arctic...the Arctic Woolly Bear moth. This moth is best know for its slow rate of development spending the majority of its 7 year life cycle frozen. It eventually becomes a moth but only for a few weeks. This insect is an attest to the patience we all hold within us. It reminds us to breathe, slow down, and surrender to what is, to what is in front of us, to what is here right now!