Tuesday, 31 March 2015

In the Wild

In the Wild 
She moves about with a smile 
She runs free 
She lives peacefully 

In the Wild 
She roams mile after mile 
She gains energy from the trees 
As they speak to her through the breeze 

In the Wild 
She could stay there for a while 
She never wants to leave 
She wants access to the seas

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

How Improv Can Improve Romantic Relationships

As a result of a back injury I have had to cut out the sports that I have been playing for the past 20 years and look towards other hobbies. I wanted to try something new but still with high energy, so I am taking Improv classes. I enjoy them very much despite being so far away from my comfort zone. I have never done any sort of performing on a theatre stage. As I try to enjoy the uncomfortable feelings of acting out ridiculous situations in front of others I learn many valuable lessons and insights from the feedback of our Improv teacher at Vancouver Theatre Sports (VTSL). Not only are these lessons going to help me release any stage fright and have more fun but after reading through my notes after class I see that they are also tips for dating and relationships!

Here are a few Improv tips that can be applied to dating, relationships and marriage:

Train yourself out of being right
There is no wrong just confidence
Be bold and direct
But yield to other ideas
If you feel stuck talking to each other look for something physical
Doing is always better than talking
Support the other person
Build on each other
Take Ownership
Accept and move on
If you make your partner look good, you look good
But it’s not just all about yourself
Be in the moment, don’t create the future
Relax and trust
Chill Out
But don’t be afraid to go through the door!
Have Commitment
Have Fun!

We have been building certain social constructs our whole life and we have this idea of what is “right” or what looks “right”. As soon as we add an element that is out of the norm or our daily habits, ie a new romantic partner or Improv comedy we begin to quickly question reality. I think as I start to break down these social constructs in the theatre my protective walls regarding romantic relationships will start to crumble as well. I love how Improv allows us to take anything out of context and make sense of it so Thanks VTSL for the great relationship advice ;)

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

A Send Off

Its time to go, my work here is done
Don't worry about me I've had my fun
I've created a legacy, A loving family 
Don't grasp too hard, I'll rest peacefully 
I love you all very much, you've been so good to me 
I pass on my love but keep the memories 

You don't need to speak because Grandma we know 
We must be strong and let you go 
A deep rooted connection forged over the years 
Its admiration and love flowing in these tears 
Your physical self is slowly slipping away
But you stay with us forever, in our hearts we pray

Dealing with Death is never easy as we are raised in a culture afraid of such a thing. Even to write death or speak the words make our own self cringe as we realize our invincibility. So how to handle it, what to do? Well North America standards would give us a handbook or call us depressed. But let your intuitive sense guide you through the process, it's ok to be sad, it's ok to cry. Death truly warrants our celebration of such beautiful life on this earth.