Friday, 31 October 2014

Disposable Society

As we live in a disposable society where it is more cost efficient to buy a new thing instead of fixing it, I see a parallel with relationships. My internal dialogue reflects my emotions: 

"I am scared to be disposed of. I don't want to be used. I don't want to get broken just to be thrown out without even a second thought."

I recently witnessed someone throw away almost 5 years of growth capsulated in the form of a romantic, loving relationship. I was an outsider but it was heart wrenching to observe. How without even a "can we fix this?" conversation does one come to the conclusion that this item is broken and must be disposed of? 

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

It's all good

Although, strong and independent she takes a minute to be vulnerable; to look to someone else who will hold her and say, "everything will be ok".

Monday, 27 October 2014

And so it goes

mind racing 
afraid of what may be 
time to get out of the system  
retreating to the woods 
and left for the wolves

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Turn on the Light

As I go through my belongings from when I was in highschool I come across my writings. My writing and philosophy has evolved but I can see my mind turning in these past musings. I have always had an interest in our spiritual connection and therefore found a quote by Immanuel Kant I had reflected on, "if we could see ourselves and other objects as they really are, we should see ourselves in a world of spiritual natures, our community which neither began with our birth nor will end with the death of the body". I have furthered my thoughts on this quote in which Immanuel is saying that our body is just here to guide us through life. We are spirits trying to coexist as a physical presence until we pass into a different realm. It is the focus on our physical presence which can lead to the creation of barriers that prevent us from learning all that we can during our journey on this planet. 

As I work through this back injury, this limitation on my physical output, I remind myself that I don't have to be a prisoner in my own body. My spirit can still shine brightly despite this chronic pain I am experiencing. I take this time to go beyond my body and any confinements I have once placed on myself. As the power of my mind will take me anywhere I need to go and connect with whomever I need to connect with. Sure this may not be an ideal situation as there are activities I am not able to enjoy at the moment but I am grateful for the lessons I am learning. The light is always there, sometimes I just need to remember to turn it on! 

Friday, 24 October 2014

A Simple Life

More and more I strive for a life of simplicity 
Of no belongings 
Of no story 

A Journey marked by meaningful experiences not a cumulation of things deemed meaningful 

Placing the importance on what is instead of what's next. 

Not being a slave to the calendar of never ending appointments or meetings but tuning in to the cycle of the moon and the changing of the seasons.

Growing food, breathing air and drinking water. Forest bathing and hot spring hunting. Loving those around me. 

Just a simple life. 


Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Find Contentment

Why do we complain?
Where does this come from?
The need or desire to change a situation. 
But what is it about the situation that warrants this negativity?
It has nothing to do with the situation itself and by changing the externals, only allows for a temporary relief to an irritation. 
If we change our reaction to the situation, if we change or moderate the internals then we can truly move forward.
We must face our complaints head on and always be direct, open and honest with ourselves and those around us.
By facing these issues/nuisances and taking responsibility for our reactions we take back control over our emotions and can see the situation in a different light. We become ready to accept what is and find contentment.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Breathe Deep and Reflect

Breathe deep and reflect
Who are we living this life for?
A teacher, a parent, a friend, a lover, 
Are we selfish if we put ourselves as first priority?
Absolutely not
Please yourself 
Be content with you
It doesn't matter if others do not approve
That is something they need to work on with themselves 
So have compassion.
What we need to do is return to simplicity 
The one thing we will have with us our whole life 
...our breath

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Along the Water I Walk

The beauty that pervades me
Is something that can save me 
The tall robust tree 
I sit amongst and be 
Along the water I walk

The children are all laughing
The sun is brightly shining 
Wind blowing 
Birds singing
Along the water I walk

Enjoying the present  moment 
I breathe in the salt water scent 
The hand I lent
Love was sent
Along the water I walk 

*17March2014, taking the long walk to work through the forest, along the seawall and the beach*


Autumn Sage

As the wind prevails 
The beauty emerges beneath the vail
A confident soul 
Who has grown whole
She speaks with grace
And always has a smiling face 
She is my hero
The one I look up to


Connecting through the Sky

As you rest your hand upon my heart I immediate feel the warmth. I feel you radiate through out me. We are connecting through the open sky. You may not be on this earth but you lay with me when it's cold. You nourish me, you make me feel safe. I will forever be at your worship. 

*inspired by the sun*

Friday, 10 October 2014

Monsoon Love

Together we run through the rain 
It pours down hard
Thunder and lightning 
Our hearts are racing 
We take cover 
Breathing deeply we look into each others' eyes
We are connected through admiration 
We feel heat
The energy of LOVE
Ours lips graze one anothers
The supplest touch creates electricity 
We are alive 
At that moment and for the rest of time 
We hold each other
We become one 
We become whole
My eyes are illuminated brightly 
Not by this powerful lightning 
But by this monsoon love within me!

** inspired by the thunder and lightning monsoon storm in Bali and the couple who lead my raw food chef course!

Your Love is Gone

This confusion in my heart
Makes me think we are better apart
To develop and grow
And release any baggage we tow 
This can be no longer 
I must carry on alone and wander 
A desire for other things 
As we head into spring 
It's time for a big change 
It's not right if we stay the same
Your love is gone so please just go 
Time to invest in the new seeds I sow 
Maybe ill never be clear
And one day I will make it back here
But at least I explored and learned plenty
Remembering that at this moment I was not ready 

*reflecting on a break up of close friends of mine. When it's not right you must move on ...12April2014*

Pancha Mama's Wisdom

Many of us are children trapped in adult bodies. We have become fixated on certain patterns and that have not let us evolve into a higher being. Having the playfulness of a child is important. But acting as if life isn't fair, being a bully and gossiping about others are immature traits that must be overcome. We must support our fellow 'man' and allow each other to grow. The wellbeing of this world depends on us cooperating and appreciating pancha mama, our Mother Earth! To achieve this we must be aware and live in the present moment. Recognizing that the ego is insanity of our mind that disappears when we become aware of its presence. 

*not sure exactly what inspired this on 01March 2014*

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Make Heaven on Earth

Have love, trust and gratitude and the rest will fall into place. Be your true self, your highest being in all situations. Be kind, be generous and commit random acts of service. You do not need a reason to be kind or happy. You do not need a reason to talk to a stranger. We are all one. We came from the source and will end up back at the source together one day, so why not make heaven on earth. Have an open mind and an open heart. Love others and most importantly love yourself. Practice non resistance and non judgement to what is. Just Be! Think critically and ask questions. Listen to others' stories and experiences as they provide insight into out own lives. Go outside and play! Relax and go with the flow but be on time. Have compassion as we are all doing the best we can with what we have been given. Be a lover of nature. Look at the stars, notice the moon, swim in the lakes, seas, oceans and rivers. Hunt for natural hot springs, drink the spring water....tap into the source. Tap into your divine being. Move your body often. Learn new things. Have passion for something in life and it is ok if it changes. Any decision made is a right decision. Notice your breath and breathe deeply. Experience other cultures. Travel and immerse yourself in the destination. Break new ground and always keep exploring. Share your life with others. Go against the grain. Notice what everyone is doing and do the opposite. Being unique comes by being you! Slow down and smell the flowers. Calm your mind;) LOVE❤️

** inspired at Chewton Glen's detox in the trees 06Oct2013. It is amazing how clear my thoughts become when I digitally detox**

Nature Knows

As I walk to the beat of the earth 
The forest and ocean know my worth
Part of the land my footsteps are silent
Nature allows me to be non violent
Love and compassion comes from the tress 
I am one connected with the skies and seas
Life becomes so clear when I'm in the outdoors 
So calm and content never searching for more
The tall pine, fir and Caedars 
are my best teachers 
To love with an open heart 
Is the best place to start 

*unsure where in the woods I was when I wrote this on 22April2014*

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Letting Go

As the sun is setting
we take this time by letting
go of any fears we hold 
and any stories we are told
about not being good enough 
and that we must be tough
to live in this society 
instead of just allowing to be
To feel the freedom 
more often than seldom
To break off the shackles of judgment 
and connect to the bigger picture that is meant 
for you and I to live in peace and harmony

*found in the iPhone notes, I remember writing this one after a long days work driving into the sunset I pulled over to write this 07May2014.

Love Connection

Your love is my release. As I hug you tight I feel our  hearts beat together. Our breath becomes one and time fails to exist. Our bodies are a vessel of the universe supporting the constant flow of energy from the mystic powers, a feeling that is unexplainable. But who needs words when emotions are felt. A time when our senses are heightened and logic disappears. All that matters is this instance. A calm sense of pleasure that only you can provide. 

*found this in my archives on my iPhone notes from 08April2014.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

A Spontaneous Overflow of Powerful Feelings

Beautiful beauty of heaven oh my 
The mystics of this world remain high up in the sky 
A deliberate action to bring joy and peace 
Love reveals itself at every moment with ease ...

My outlet to express myself are my written words. I prefer to be at silence and connect through presence. Just being around someone is enough for me as speaking can change the dynamics and sometimes become too much. As William Wordsworth said "Poetry should be the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" and for me that is exactly what it is. I don't look to talk about these feelings or explain them as I simply cannot. These words just run through me like a river in a valley; It's path constantly changing but it's goal remaining the same.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Beautiful things don't ask for attention

Beautiful things don't ask for attention. They resonate at a high level of contentness and just be; experiencing this ride of a lifetime in a calm manor. Never asking for more but recognizing that all they ever needed is right in front of them. A deep breath and an objective point of view. Never distracted and focused on visceral experiences. The present moment is beautiful in all ways, always. 

Curiosity of Perfection

The sun peers over the mountain tops. Pink, orange and yellow hues begin to penetrate the skies and illuminate the Eastern Greenlandic fjords. As we allow ourselves to awaken we arise in silence. We take notice of the crackling of the glacial ice in the frigid arctic waters and our senses become alive for the day. We see the Ravens traveling in pairs soaring by the crevasses in the ice cliffs of the majestic glacier. They swoop and dive together while marvelling in the miles of rugged coastline.  

A significant event in our lives of pushing the boundaries of human civilization but unable to brave the conditions we retreat to what is comfortable. Hoping one day we will be able to be comfortable going beyond the norm of everyday societal structure. Even though minute in time these brief moments in pristine untouched nature remain in our hearts forever and allowed to be accessed at anytime.  We take a snapshot of this feeling and store it in our subconscious. We use this power time and time again to go inward, still our minds and push past the restraints and constrictions of our physical bodies. Our consciousness is heightened as the light body has entered each one of our cells and has brought them to a higher vibration. 

The perfection of Mother Nature, her ever changing beauty and her humbling presence reminds us to stay curious and have wonder for all which goes far beyond the physical. 

Inspired by Eastern Greenland.


Water, vatn, agua and eau
Our life line in this world
That will allow us to grow

To nourish our body and mind
Yes, but could it be
To connect with the universe and slow down time? 

Water is ancient and timeless
Showing itself in many forms 
In a liquid state our bodies it will caress

It is a window to the past 
Telling a billion year story 
That we are capable of great things and our intelligence so vast 

Filling us with life force energy 
It brings us alive 
Allowing us to succeed and reach our spiritual capacity 

A Level Above

Uplift my spirits 
High in the sky 
Where the clouds are soft 
And the air is dry 

I am in the heavens 
A level above 
Gaining a wider perspective 
The whole point is to love 

Exploring new places 
Learning from those before me 
Viewing a vast landscape 
While discussing philosophy 

But see we are not so different
searching for the unknown 
Let us just have patience 
the answers will be shown 

** inspired by a flight from Reykjavik to Akureyri