Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Type A Personality and Back Pain

Once again my back pain strikes. Brought on by... Tension?, stress?, too much exercise?, not enough exercise?, too much sitting?...I never really know. Living in a time where information is everywhere whether it be right or wrong there is so much to learn and so much to do. I'm not sure if I would call myself A-type personality but I have a hard time just doing nothing. Exercise is my meditation. However, when these back episodes arise it becomes a time for me to embrace things other than exercise, ditch the regime and SLOW DOWN! As I have mentioned before why do I need to get to a feeling of pain and immobility to realize a change is needed.

I know deep down that I must cool my jets. Give myself time in the day to do nothing. A time where I clear my head and focus on my breath, subtle movements and connecting with the earth to allow for healing. 

It is sounds easier than it is as these are ingrained patterns from youth. I have now taken my competitive drive from sports and translated it to my career. When you have been a certain way for so long people expect certain behaviours from you and most importantly you expect certain things of yourself. What if I choose other hobbies in life? Ones that allow for a break of my physical body or a break in my everyday need to succeed & accomplish.What will my friends & my family think? How will I deal with a new identity?

This conversation seems to come up often with me as if I am holding on to my past instead of embracing my present self. To know and believe that where I am now is exactly where I need to be.

When it comes to treatment of pain I know it is deeper than going to my physio because otherwise I wouldn't have to go back so often. Time to turn my conscious power to my breath to release tension instead of storing it in my tissues. Key word....RELEASE. Something is being held and it's time to let go!